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Consultancy Support

How we help

LHF provides specialist consultancy to support organisations we work with

As well as providing financial support, we can offer consultancy to assist organisations. We work with experts in finance, research and data, communications, mergers and management.

For example, LHF consultants recently supported:

  • Safer Renting – to help them complete their start-up phase, achieve compelling  proof of concept and as a secure substantial ongoing funding.
  • London Network of Nurses and Midwives Homelessness Group – to facilitate a review of the way they operate and provide options for how to structure their organisation.  This allowed a re structure creating far more successful funding opportunities.

LHF provided some expert strategic support for Depaul Ireland as they assessed options for their development.  CEO David Carrol, Depaul Ireland, said:

“We were very pleased to receive support from the LHF as we looked to develop our move on housing through Depaul Housing. The support was very much appreciated during those early days, and we have now gone on to develop 58 tenancies with the aim of securing 135 by the end of 2025”