LHF funds Brent Volunteers

The LHF worked with volunteers in Brent to set up new services that clients said they needed.

  • LIFT (homeless charity)
  • £15,000 and consultancy support
  • Period: May 2009 – 2011

Further details

LIFT, with the help of LHF funding and consultancy support, has transformed itself from a Brent-based, council-funded agency to one covering a wider area with more diverse funding, now able to innovate and market its expanding range of services.

The LHF funding has enabled us to complete the structural changes we’ve been planning for years. This will bring a whole new lease of life to the organisation.

Following this transition B-3/BSAFE, part of LIFT, won the 2012 Andy Ludlow award for Best Use of Volunteers for work with volunteers in Brent.

B-3 is a group of volunteers in Brent that meets weekly to discuss the risks and problems of alcohol and drug abuse.  They have had a significant impact on local services and community life but now they run a project helping ex drug addicts and homeless people.

The Saturday drop in service (BSAFE) run by B-3 offers a safe space to get food, advice and friendship. BSAFE is entirely managed by volunteers. They also provide an outreach service, visiting those with drug and alcohol problems in their homes.

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