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The London Network of Nurses and Midwives

London Housing Foundation supports the work of the London Network of Nurses and Midwives in Homelessness. In particular we are proud to be sponsors of their annual conference, bringing together professional from a variety of organisations across the capital. This years theme is “Stronger Together – Advocating for ourselves and others” and the conference will take place at Resource For London, 356 Holloway Rd, N7 6PA, on Friday 21st June – 09.00-17.00 and will be followed by an evening reception.
We asked them to tell us more.

The London Network of Nurses and Midwives conference is here again, and we are again looking forward to a day of thoughtful discussion, and great networking with our nurse colleagues, allied health professionals, hostel and outreach workers, peer workers, Experts by Experience and policy makers.
This year we are thinking about the considerable emotional toll that is taken when we work in situations where the system is failing. Although we know that individual staff in inclusion health services battle every day to get the best service for their clients, we know that care and support failures are commonplace. This can lead to burn out and moral injury, and can leave us feeling hopeless.

So, at this conference we are taking time out to consider what we might do to support each other in what feels like difficult times. Through the conference we are hoping to be able to send a message to policy makers about the emotional impact of our work, and what is needed to better support practitioners in the sector. As part of this we will be watching and reflecting on Tina, a film that profiles the impact of our work on practitioners.

We will also be profiling the work of system advocates in our sector, and thinking about how we can all work together to make positive changes for both others and ourselves. Workshops will focus on supporting vulnerable groups e.g asylum seekers, Gypsy, Roma Traveller communities and homeless families as well as clinical topic such as diabetes, neurodiversity and supporting people into detox.

And in addition, as usual, the LNNM team will make our own small contribution to lifting people up through the LNNM awards. These awards are a time for celebration where we can acknowledge the brilliance we see in our sector. Let someone know how fabulous they are, by nominating them for an ‘Ab Fab’ Award before June 2nd.
Join us for a stimulating, and enjoyable day, at the end of which we hope you will feel rejuvenated for the year ahead! We guarantee you will go away new ideas, and new connections, having spent a great day with inspiring friends and colleagues both new and old…


For more information and to book click here.

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