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Andy Ludlow Awards Ceremony 2014

The winners of the 2014 Andy Ludlow Awards will be announced at a special ceremony at the House of Commons later this week.

The three projects now in contention for the prize fund of £55,000 are:

  • Groundswell UK’s ‘Homeless Health Peer Advocacy Service’
  • Praxis Community Project’s ‘Temporary Homes’
  • Thames Reach’s ‘Peer Landlord London’

Simon Dow is Chair of the London Housing Foundation.  He said “We were very pleased with the increased number of applications we received this year and the quality of entries was incredibly high.  There is a huge amount of good work being done in the homelessness sector in London, with many organisations doing exciting and innovative things.  The Andy Ludlow Awards recognise and honour this and it is a great privilege for us to be able to support them.”

The winners in 2013 were Spires and their Streetlink project. Lucy Barrett of Spires said: “It has been a great year being an Andy Ludlow winner.  It is a huge amount of money for an organisation like ours and we have been able to buy a new van to support our street work with women, and fund some other new initiatives that previously were beyond us.  More than that, winning the award gave us all a real boost and has helped to raise the profile of our organisation.”

The awards, sponsored by the London Housing Foundation and Shelter, and run by London Councils, recognise innovation and good practice in the homelessness sector.

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