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Croydon People’s Gateway wins £15000 in the London Homelessness Awards 2016

Croydon’s team working to support families and prevent homelessness has won second prize in the prestigious London Homelessness Awards sponsored by the London Housing Foundation, Crisis, Shelter and the London Housing Directors

Mark Fowler, Director of Gateway & Welfare in the People Department at the London borough of Croydon said: “This is very good news and a well-deserved award for the team.  It is a great honour and has already had a very positive effect on our staff and clients. We hope to spend the money expanding the support we can offer people through the neighbourhood offices.”

The team were recognised at the Council Meeting this week where Councillor Trakas-Lawlor said: “I’m delighted to announce that Croydon was recently bestowed with this prestigious award in recognition for the extraordinary work undertaken by the Gateway team. Croydon are the first council in five years to even make it into the final, let alone come second, so this is fantastic recognition of how Croydon really is leading the way in preventing homelessness across local authorities.”

James Murray, Deputy Mayor for Housing, said at the Awards ceremony in October: “Rough sleeping is one of our top priorities, it is at the very heart of the Mayor’s work in dealing with housing and homelessness.”

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