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London Housing Foundation supports Hope Worldwide and Two Step

Tuesday 17th December, 2019

The London Housing Foundation has agreed to financially support the Two Step Project run by Hope Worldwide.


Two Step helps single, non-statutory priority homeless people find accommodation in the private sector. Two Step began in 1993 as a voluntary Christian response and has now built up a large network of accommodation providers enabling them to help over 20 homeless people a month find a new home.
The charity works in partnership with night shelters, day centres, councils and other charities who refer people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness to the service. They assess people and offer support, helping to find suitable accommodation. This is all focused on helping people move on with their lives and avoid the downward spiral that can result from living on the streets.

Rob Payne, Director of Homeless Services at Hope Worldwide said: “Over the years we have built relationships with many landlords, agents, hostels and other housing providers. So when we refer people, the providers have confidence in our judgement and know we offer ongoing support. And we pride ourselves on the training we offer people before they go into their tenancies. These relationships, high quality training and our directly client centred approach, means that those we house stay in their tenancies longer. In a changing and challenging environment we typically house around 260 people per year.”

A report from No First Night Out praises the Hope Worldwide approach. They said “Hope’s tenancy preparation is of a very high standard and they are great at empowering tenants to expect high standards of their landlords and properties.”

Simon Dow, Executive Chairman of the LHF said: “We are very proud to be long term supporters of Two Step. By working directly with other street homeless agencies and creating positive partnerships with private landlords they are breaking through a key barrier in helping people off the streets and into sustainable homes”.
To see a video of one person’s story with Two Step go to’s-story


For more information, pictures, interviews or quotes please contact
For more information about the LHF go to

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