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PRESS RELEASE: London Housing Foundation support HOPE worldwide’s Two Step programme

London Housing Foundation have announced an extension to the grant supporting HOPE worldwide’s Two Step programme.

LHF continue to be impressed by the work of HOPE worldwide, and are pleased to be able to offer them a further year’s funding towards the cost of their ‘Charity Housing Service’, while other funding sources are identified.

The support from LHF means HOPE worldwide can continue to provide a referral service for other charities, enabling them to refer single people who are homeless for help finding accommodation. Over 150 people have been housed in the five years since the service began and there are now 29 referral partners – recent additions include Housing for Women, Marylebone Project and Restart Lives.

Rob Payne, Director of Homeless Services for HOPE worldwide, said:

“We are very glad that we can continue to offer this service to other charities so that they can refer people for help finding suitable, affordable accommodation without the challenges of having to build relationships with lots of individual landlords and agents themselves.”

In the next funding year, following advice from the Centre for Homelessness Impact, HOPE worldwide want to carry out more detailed measurement of tenancy sustainment and how people’s life situation improves. Not only will they be measuring referrals and placements, but also the number of people who:

  • Maintain a tenancy after 6 months, 12 months and 18 months
  • Access, maintain or improve their Education Training and Employment (or volunteering) 12 months after moving into accommodation

Rob continued:

“We are doing our best to improve standards in the private rented sector by having clear expectations of landlords and empowering tenants to know their rights and be confident in raising concerns. We are determined to keep developing this service, and will be applying for further funding this year so that we see this service go from strength to strength.”

Two Step will also be piloting measuring improvements in well-being 6 months after moving into accommodation 

Ian Brady, Executive Chair of London Housing Foundation said:

“We are very pleased to be able to continue our support for the excellent Two Step programme.  In particular, their detailed analysis of how people fare in their tenancies after some time will be extremely valuable in designing new measures to help people who are homeless.”

The Two Step service has three main elements:

  • A person-centred assessment and advice session which aims to find out what people really want and how best the service can help.
  • Individual conversations with people prior to them viewing properties offered by landlords and agents that have agreed to HOPE worldwide’s property standards. The conversations include support on checking a property, understanding their rights and responsibilities and how to manage a tenancy;
  • Indefinite office-based and telephone tenancy support for those housed to help them sustain their tenancies.

For more information, pictures, interviews or quotes please contact   To find out more about Two Step go to

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