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PRESS RELEASE: Ian Brady takes over as Chair of London Housing Foundation

Ian Brady Ian Brady, until recently the Chief Executive Officer for Depaul International, has been appointed as the new Executive Chair of London Housing Foundation.

Ian has extensive experience and expertise in the housing and homelessness sector and served as a senior Civil Servant across a number of key departments, including the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Department for Education and the Home Office. He was Deputy Director of the Government’s Rough Sleepers Unit, Head of Delivery for the Respect Taskforce and the Troubled Families Programme.


Before he joined the civil service Ian worked in the voluntary sector for several years and was deputy Chief Executive of the national youth homelessness charity Centrepoint.

Ian said: “I have had the privilege of being on the board of LHF for a number for years and it is a huge honour to now step up as Executive Chair. Simon Dow has done this job with skill, passion and excellent judgement and I am extremely pleased that he is staying on as a trustee. LHF makes a real difference to organisations working with homeless people and through our grants, post graduate course, professional development programme and the London Homelessness Awards we make a significant contribution. I will be looking to listen and learn from our partners and others across London to see how best we can continue to provide advice, support and leadership.”

Simon Dow, outgoing Executive Chair said: “I am delighted to be handing over to Ian. He has exactly the right experience to lead the Foundation at a particularly difficult time for homeless people and the agencies who support them.”

For more information about LHF and the programmes we run, please go to

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