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PRESS RELEASE: LHF work with HOPE worldwide to help homeless people into accommodation

LHF work with HOPE worldwide to help homeless people into accommodation

London Housing Foundation has awarded HOPE worldwide £25,000 to support their project helping people experiencing homelessness access flats in the private sector.

The scheme, “Two Step”, helps single people who are homeless to find accommodation. Over the past four years this project has partnered with day centres, night shelters and their extensive network of private landlords and accommodation providers to house 133 people, and provided advice leading to accommodation for a further 88.

Rob Payne (Director of Homeless Services at HOPE worldwide) said:

We expect that there will be an increase in demand for our service over the next few months as people need to leave temporary accommodation provided due to COVID-19. Later in the year, we anticipate the end of the moratorium on evictions and increased unemployment due to the end of furlough to cause an additional increase in demand. This award from London Housing Foundation will allow us to consolidate and expand the project.

One client housed through Two Step wrote to the team at Christmas saying:

I want to say a very massive thank you to you and all the staff of Hope worldwide for your help, support and guidance. No words are adequate enough for me to express my gratitude. I am eternally grateful. It is unfortunate that the current Covid restrictions will not allow me to attend your offices in person to extend my gratitude, however, I would like to say, should the organisation need my input or help, I will be happy to assist in any way that I can. May God bless you all at Hope worldwide.

Ian Brady, Executive Chairman of LHF said:

We’re very pleased to partner with HOPE worldwide and support this excellent project. By accessing the private sector, they also free up much needed hostel space to help get people off the streets.


For more information, pictures, interviews or quotes please contact

You can read more about HOPE Worldwide at

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